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Dr Yoong


Qualified, experienced and caring, Dr Ming K Yoong is a sought after gynaecologist, obstetrician and surgeon. He makes it a priority to provide thorough and clear communication to his patients and their partners.


Raised in Malaysia, Dr Yoong completed a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery on scholarship through Sydney University.

After finishing his medical studies, Dr Yoong stayed on to further his training through Westmead Hospital and its affiliates. He later spent a year as a Pelvic Surgery Fellow in Liverpool Hospital, consolidating his training in advanced laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery.

Dr Yoong was appointed as the Senior Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Liverpool Hospital prior to obtaining his Fellowship from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) in 2008.


As well as being a highly experienced clinician, Dr Yoong takes the time to offer personal care to his patients.

During the often emotional time of pregnancy or dealing with reproductive health issues, Dr Yoong ensures his patients feel well informed and have a clear understanding of the expected outcomes of all his recommendations. Patient and sympathetic, Dr Yoong is happy to answer every question and provide detailed second opinions.

Dr Yoong has engaged an experienced midwife, Suzie Oliveri to join him as of November 2021. Suzie will provide one-to-one sessions on antenatal and childbirth education. Postnatal home support visit can be arranged if the need arises. You will have the guidance and care provided by both obstetrician and midwife, in preparation for your birth. It is this holistic approach that we hope you will enjoy the experience and journey to becoming a mother.

In order to provide you with personal support during your pregnancy or treatment, Dr Yoong only takes on a select number of patients at a time. This maximises the time he can spend with you.


For many women, falling pregnant or managing their monthly cycles requires close attention from a dedicated medical professional.

As a devoted husband and father of two, Dr Yoong has a personal understanding of the demands of childbirth and the emotional stress reproductive issues can cause.

This is why he takes the time to form relationships with his patients and understand their medical history as well as their current concerns, providing clear advice and genuine sympathy during every appointment.


Dr Yoong speaks fluent Mandarin and Cantonese and has a special interest in High-Risk Obstetrics and gynaecological laparoscopic surgeries.

Contact his office on (02) 9822 4553 to book your first consultation.


As a Senior Physician, Dr Yoong is motivated to guide the training of future doctors and is actively involved in teaching and mentoring junior medical staff and students from the University of NSW.

Dr Yoong is also an Implanon (IUD device) trainer and is regularly invited to conduct training sessions for general practitioners in Western Sydney.


As Dr Yoong only works with a small number of patients at a time, it is essential to book him as your obstetrician early on in your pregnancy.

Book your first consultation to discuss your pregnancy, your fertility concerns or your reproductive health by calling 02 9822 4553.

Sydney Southwest Private Hospital maternity unit is due to close by Dec 2024. Dr Yoong remains committed to providing obstetrics care to the women in the area with the choice of delivery in Westmead Private Hospital and Liverpool Public Hospital. He will continue to consult in Liverpool (including Saturday sessions) and Strathfield rooms.